Bank of Beirut

  • Personal
    • Fresh Funds
    • Accounts
    • Cards
    • Digital Services
    • Settle
    • Loans
    • Small Business Loans
  • Business
    • NGOs & Nonprofits
    • Corporate Banking
    • Small Business Loans
    • Investing & Trading
    • Demand Draft
    • Correspondent Banking
    • POS Machine
    • Cards For Corporations
  • Cash Management
    • Channels
    • Receivables
    • Payables
    • Liquidity
    • Corporate Cards
    • Merchant Services
    • Electronic Payroll

Post Graduation

Specialize in your field of study and benefit from customized financial solutions, including special features and rewards.

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Post Graduation
  • Loan Amount: Up to US$ 20,000 or LBP 30,000,000
  • Loan Currency: LBP or US$
  • Grace Period: Up to 24 months
  • Interest Rate (LBP): 7%
  • Interest Rate (US$): 6%
  • Loan Period: Up to 5 years
  • Down Payment: None


No Filing Fees


Free life insurance covering the outstanding balance

US$ 1,000 Credit Card

Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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