Bank of Beirut

  • Personal
    • Fresh Funds
    • Accounts
    • Cards
    • Digital Services
    • Settle
    • Loans
    • Small Business Loans
  • Business
    • NGOs & Nonprofits
    • Corporate Banking
    • Small Business Loans
    • Investing & Trading
    • Demand Draft
    • Correspondent Banking
    • POS Machine
    • Cards For Corporations
  • Cash Management
    • Channels
    • Receivables
    • Payables
    • Liquidity
    • Corporate Cards
    • Merchant Services
    • Electronic Payroll

SMS Alerts

Monitor all conducted transactions on your cards and accounts with Bank of Beirut’s automatic subscription to the SMS Alert service, benefit from instant notifications and get protection from any fraudulent activities.


Instant and detailed SMS notifications (e.g.: transactions, due payments, card renewal,  etc.) to your selected phone number
Security enhancement and fraud detection.


For more information
Please call us on: 1262
24/7 Customer Service

SMS Alerts

Bank of Beirut – List of Banks: 75 | Online banking services licensed by virtue of BDL letter number 11/629 dated October 2, 2008  |  2020 Bank of Beirut s.a.l. all rights reserved

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